Gia Lai

Location Summary
Currency and Currency Code:
Dong - VND
Spoken languages:
Vietnamese, English, French, Chinese, Central Khmer
Local electricity:
220 V - 50 Hz (plugs: A, B, C)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
Country phone prefix:
Local Time (capital):
UTC/GMT offset: hours
Current travel safety evaluation for Vietnam in South-Eastern Asia

Safety Score: 2,7 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning we advice caution when travelling to Vietnam.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Vietnam. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03

Top places

Directory of regions and places in Gia Lai

Gia Lai is an administrative entity of higher level in Vietnam (e.g. a state, region or larger metropolitan area). To look up a specific place, pick the beginning letter of its name below. Locations are ordered alphabetically.

List of places in Gia Lai

Name of place
Plei Sotan
Plei Ta Moc
Plei Ta Nang Tie
Plei Ta Uân
Plei Tamui
Plei Tanéa Kun
Plei Tang
Plei Tang To Pung
Plei Tao Chorr
Plei Tập
Plei Te
Plei Tenau
Plei Thaïe Cheu
Plei Thaie Djirao
Plei Thaie Namra
Plei Thaie Ya Glaé
Plei Thê
Plei Thê
Plei Tho Hinuen
Plei Thoh
Plei Thou
Plei Tơ Vọn
Plei Toan
Plei Tơdrah
Plei Tong
Plei Tong
Plei Tong Hôtte
Plei Tong Mô
Plei Tong Wyle
Plei Torr
Plei Torr Agne
Plei Tốt
Plei Tôtt
Plei Tott
Plei Toum
Plei Toun Breng
Plei Toung Bop
Plei Tower
Plei Tpang
Plei Trăm
Plei Trăng Klăh Bơt
Plei Trăng Klăh Hơ Kiêng
Plei Trăng Klăh Kiuh
Plei Troêh
Plei Trop
Plei Tu
Plei Tuêck
Plei Tươh Klah
Plei Tuok
Plei T’séo
Plei T’séou
Plei Uêt
Plei Uoch
Plei Uôt
Plei Uôt
Plei Wau
Plei Xat Atau
Plei Xê
Plei Xieu
Plei Xo
Plei Xo Tar
Plei Xôme
Plei Xoun Kop
Plei Xu Lon
Plei Xu Té
Plei Xun
Plei Ya Bia
Plei Ya Bio
Plei Ya Bo
Plei Ya Bô
Plei Ya Brêng
Plei Ya Bring
Plei Ya Gran
Plei Ya Gron
Plei Ya Ho