Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Location Summary
Currency and Currency Code:
Rupee - PKR
Spoken languages:
Urdu, English, Panjabi, Sindhi, Pushto
Local electricity:
230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: C, D)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
Country phone prefix:
Local Time (capital):
UTC/GMT offset: hours
Current travel safety evaluation for Pakistan in Southern Asia

Safety Score: 3,8 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning please reconsider your need to travel to Pakistan.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Pakistan. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03

Top places

Directory of regions and places in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is an administrative entity of higher level in Pakistan (e.g. a state, region or larger metropolitan area). To look up a specific place, pick the beginning letter of its name below. Locations are ordered alphabetically.

List of smaller regions in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

List of places in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Name of place
Gujrāno Kalle
Gujrāno Kalle
Gujri Bekar Phuto
Gujri Bhek
Gujro Bānda
Gujronwali Bāsti
Gul Ahmad Kalle
Gul Ahmad Khān
Gul Badan
Gul Bagh
Gul Bāgh
Gūl Bagh
Gul Bahār
Gul Bahar
Gul Bahār
Gul Bānda
Gul Bānda
Gul Bāndai
Gul Bāndi
Gul Bāndi
Gul Bāndi Balolia
Gul Bāndo
Gul Bāz Khān
Gul Bāzār
Gul Beli
Gul Bila
Gul Derai
Gul Dherai
Gul Dheri
Gul Dheri
Gul Dheri
Gul Dheri
Gul Dheri
Gul Dheri
Gul Dīn Khān
Gul Doga
Gul Haidar Khān
Gul Hari
Gul Hasan Kalle
Gul Hassan Bānda
Gul Imām
Gūl Khamīr Kalle
Gul Khān
Gul Khān Kalai
Gul Khān Kalle
Gul Khatori
Gul Mādi
Gul Maira
Gul Maira
Gul Maqām
Gul Mīr Kalle
Gul Mir Khān
Gul Moīn Korūna
Gul Muhammad Shāh
Gul Paiza
Gul Rang Kalle
Gul Rehān Kalle
Gul Rehmān Kalle
Gul Said di Mahli
Gul Said Karim
Gul Shāh
Gul Shāh
Gul Zaib Kalle
Gul Zamān Khān
Gula Kalle
Gula Khān
Gula Khān
Gūla Khān
Gulā Nūr
Gula Seri
Gulāb Dīn