
Location Summary
Currency and Currency Code:
Dirham - MAD
Spoken languages:
Arabic, French
Local electricity:
220 V - 50 Hz (plugs: C, E)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
Country phone prefix:
Local Time (capital):
UTC/GMT offset: hours
Current travel safety evaluation for Morocco in Northern Africa

Safety Score: 3,0 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning we advice caution when travelling to Morocco.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Morocco. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03

Top places

Directory of regions and places in Casablanca-Settat

Casablanca-Settat is an administrative entity of higher level in Morocco (e.g. a state, region or larger metropolitan area). To look up a specific place, pick the beginning letter of its name below. Locations are ordered alphabetically.

List of smaller regions in Casablanca-Settat

List of places in Casablanca-Settat

Name of place
Douar La’badla
Douar La’layjate
Douar La’mamra
Douar La’mamra
Douar La’mayre
Douar La’rabda
Douar La’syebe
Douar La’wadla
Douar La’yayda
Douar Lbousra
Douar Lchouachma
Douar Leakak
Douar Lebaala
Douar Lebaara Bni Ritoune
Douar Lebahlet
Douar Lebasasla Laassassem
Douar Lebasla Centre
Douar Lebbada
Douar Lebbidat
Douar Lebbirat
Douar Lebbirat
Douar Lebghadda
Douar Lebhahda
Douar Lebhalla
Douar Lebhour
Douar Lebkakra
Douar Lebrahma
Douar Lebrakta Ain Rabeh
Douar Lebrakta Ain Rabeh Legaida
Douar Lebsasla Tirs
Douar Lefiadla
Douar Lefkhakhra
Douar Lefqih
Douar Lefqih
Douar Lefquih
Douar Lefraana
Douar Lefragna
Douar Lefrayech
Douar Legaara
Douar Leghfirat
Douar Leghlimat
Douar Leghoualma
Douar Leghzaouna
Douar Leghzaouna Chouaouta
Douar Leghzaouna Lebsasla
Douar Leglalfa
Douar Legnaouat
Douar Legoat
Douar Legouadi
Douar Legouaouat
Douar Legouar
Douar Legouarba Oulad Laaribi
Douar Legouassem
Douar Legouayel
Douar Legoustsa
Douar Lehan
Douar Lehbabja
Douar Lehcenyech
Douar Lehdaya
Douar Lehkim
Douar Lehlahla
Douar Lehlailfa Essouaïha
Douar Lehlalfa
Douar Lehmamat
Douar Lehmamda
Douar Lehmamna
Douar Lehmaunda
Douar Lehmidat
Douar Lehnafat
Douar Lehniynine
Douar Lehouaoura
Douar Lehouayech
Douar Lehouich
Douar Lehoundda
Douar Lehradi