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Architecture, Restoration and Imaging of Maya Cities
Uxmal (Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia - INAH)(spanish only)

Basis Data:
Unesco World heritage since: 1996
Size of heritage:

Longitude: -88,230°
Latitude: 20,362°


The Mayan town of Uxmal, in Yucatán, was founded c. A.D. 700 and had some 25,000 inhabitants. The layout of the buildings, which date from between 700 and 1000, reveals a knowledge of astronomy. The Pyramid of the Soothsayer, as the Spaniards called it, dominates the ceremonial centre, which has well-designed buildings decorated with a profusion of symbolic motifs and sculptures depicting Chaac, the god of rain. The ceremonial sites of Uxmal, Kabah, Labna and Sayil are considered the high points of Mayan art and architecture.

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Pre-Hispanic Town of Uxmal: A Glimpse into Ancient Mayan Civilization

The Pre-Hispanic Town of Uxmal, located in the state of Yucatan, Mexico, is a UNESCO World Heritage site that offers a fascinating insight into the rich history and architectural brilliance of the ancient Mayan civilization. Situated within the municipalities of Muna and Santa Elena, Uxmal is renowned for its well-preserved ruins and remarkable structures.


Uxmal flourished as a major political and cultural center between the 7th and 10th centuries AD, during the Late Classic period of the Mayan civilization. The city reached its peak during the reign of the Xiu dynasty, which ruled over Uxmal and its surrounding regions. The name "Uxmal" translates to "thrice-built" in the Mayan language, referring to the multiple layers of construction found in its buildings.

The city's architecture reflects the unique Puuc architectural style, characterized by intricate stone mosaics, decorative friezes, and smooth, low walls. The Mayans ingeniously utilized the local limestone, known as "puuc," to construct their buildings, resulting in a stunning visual harmony with the surrounding landscape.

Architectural Highlights

Uxmal boasts several remarkable structures that showcase the Mayans' advanced knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, and engineering. The Pyramid of the Magician, also known as the Pyramid of the Dwarf, is a prominent feature of the site. This impressive structure stands at approximately 115 feet tall and is adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures.

The Governor's Palace is another architectural marvel, featuring a long, ornately decorated facade adorned with detailed stone mosaics. The intricate patterns depict various mythological and historical scenes, providing valuable insights into Mayan beliefs and traditions.

The Nunnery Quadrangle, a complex of four buildings surrounding a central courtyard, is another highlight of Uxmal. Each building showcases unique architectural elements, including elaborately carved facades and intricate stone latticework.

Current State

Today, the Pre-Hispanic Town of Uxmal stands as a testament to the ingenuity and cultural achievements of the ancient Mayan civilization. The site has undergone extensive restoration and conservation efforts to preserve its architectural integrity and ensure its accessibility to visitors.

Visitors to Uxmal can explore the ruins and marvel at the intricate details of the structures, gaining a deeper understanding of Mayan history and culture. Guided tours and informational signage provide valuable insights into the significance of each building and the Mayan way of life.

Uxmal also hosts various cultural events and festivals, allowing visitors to experience the vibrant traditions and customs of the Yucatan region. These events often feature traditional music, dance performances, and culinary delights, providing a holistic cultural experience.

As a UNESCO World Heritage site, Uxmal serves as a valuable educational resource and a symbol of cultural heritage. Its preservation and promotion contribute to the appreciation and understanding of the ancient Mayan civilization, ensuring that its legacy continues to inspire and captivate future generations.