in Central Asia

Location Summary
Currency and Currency Code:
Som - KGS
Spoken languages:
Kirghiz, Uzbek, Russian
Local electricity:
220 V - 50 Hz (plugs: C, F)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
ISO 2-Letter code:
Internet top level domain:
Country phone prefix:
Local Time (capital):
UTC/GMT offset: hours

Explore Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan with its capital Bishkek is located in Asia (Central Asia, west of China). It covers some 199,952 square kilometers (slightly smaller than South Dakota) with a population of 5,789,120. Kirghiz, Uzbek and Russian are the languages spoken by people in Kyrgyzstan (consider regional differences). China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are bordering countries.

Kyrgyzstan is a Central Asian country of incredible natural beauty and proud nomadic traditions.

Popular Destinations in Kyrgyzstan

Administrative regions of Kyrgyzstan

About the country

The topography is peaks of the Tien Shan mountain range and associated valleys and basins encompass the entire country. The average density of population is about 29 per km². The climate in Kyrgyzstan can be described as dry continental to polar in high Tien Shan Mountainssubtropical in southwest (Fergana Valley), temperate in northern foothill zone. Potential natural disasters are major flooding during snow melt prone to earthquakes

To reach someone Kyrgyzstan dial +996 prior to a number. The local cellular networks are operated on 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G. Websites typically end with the top level domain ".kg". If you want to bring electric appliances (e.g. battery chaarger), keep in min the local 220 V - 50 Hz (plugs: C, F). The sign for the locally used currency Som is KGS.

Red field with a yellow sun in the center having 40 rays representing the 40 Kyrgyz tribes; on the obverse side the rays run counterclockwise, on the reverse, clockwise; in the center of the sun is a red ring crossed by two sets of three lines, a stylized representation of a "tunduk" - the crown of a traditional Kyrgyz yurt; red symbolizes bravery and valor, the sun evinces peace and wealth.

Flag of Kyrgyzstan

A Central Asian country of incredible natural beauty and proud nomadic traditions, most of the territory of present-day Kyrgyzstan was formally annexed to the Russian Empire in 1876. The Kyrgyz staged a major revolt against the Tsarist Empire in 1916 in which almost one-sixth of the Kyrgyz population was killed. Kyrgyzstan became a Soviet republic in 1936 and achieved independence in 1991 when the USSR dissolved. Nationwide demonstrations in the spring of 2005 resulted in the ouster of President Askar AKAEV, who had run the country since 1990. Former Prime Minister Kurmanbek BAKIEV overwhelmingly won the presidential election in the summer of 2005. Over the next few years, he manipulated the parliament to accrue new powers for the presidency. In July 2009, after months of harassment against his opponents and media critics, BAKIEV won reelection in a presidential campaign that the international community deemed flawed. In April 2010, violent protests in Bishkek led to the collapse of the BAKIEV regime and his eventual flight to Minsk, Belarus. His successor, Roza OTUNBAEVA, served as transitional president until Almazbek ATAMBAEV was inaugurated in December 2011, marking the first peaceful transfer of presidential power in independent Kyrgyzstan's history. Continuing concerns include: the trajectory of democratization, endemic corruption, poor interethnic relations, border security vulnerabilities, and potential terrorist threats. Under the 2010 Constitution, ATAMBAEV is limited to one term, which will end in 2017. Constitutional amendments passed in a referendum in December 2016 include language that transfers some presidential powers to the prime minister. Disagreement over the constitutional amendments compelled ATAMBAEV’s Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan to dissolve the ruling coalition and create a new majority coalition in the Jogorku Kenesh that excluded opposition parties critical of the amendments.


Total (World Rank: 88) 199,951sq km
Land (World Rank: 87) 191,801sq km
Water (World Rank: 56) 8,150sq km
Forest (World Rank: 21) 48.30%
Comparative slightly smaller than South Dakota
Lowest point (World Rank: 22) 132m
Highest point (World Rank: 8) 7,439m
Agricultural land
Total (World Rank: 55) 55.40%
Arable (World Rank: 138) 6.70%
Permanent crops (World Rank: 151) 0.40%
Permanent pastures (World Rank: 21) 48.30%
Irrigated land (World Rank: 46) 10,233sq km
Map reference
  • - as a result
  • - increasing soil salinity from faulty irrigation practices
  • - many people get their water directly from contaminated streams and wells
  • - water pollution
  • - water-borne diseases are prevalent
Agreement party
  • - Air Pollution
  • - Biodiversity
  • - Climate Change
  • - Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol
  • - Desertification
  • - Hazardous Wastes
  • - Ozone Layer Protection
  • - Wetlands
  • - major flooding during snow melt
  • - prone to earthquakes
Central Asia, west of China, south of Kazakhstan
dry continental to polar in high Tien Shan Mountains; subtropical in southwest (Fergana Valley); temperate in northern foothill zone
peaks of the Tien Shan mountain range and associated valleys and basins encompass the entire country


Total (World Rank: 114) 5,789,120
Deathrate (World Rank: 145) 0.65%
Birthrate (World Rank: 71) 2.21%
Growthrate (World Rank: 106) 1.05%
Migration rate (World Rank: 157) -0.51%
Fertility rate (World Rank: 75) 2.61%
Median age
Male (World Rank: 149) 25.40
Female (World Rank: 139) 27.60
Age structure
0 14 male (World Rank: 99) 899,545
0 14 female (World Rank: 99) 854,745
15 24 male (World Rank: 110) 493,924
15 24 female (World Rank: 109) 478,217
25 54 male (World Rank: 114) 1,130,420
25 54 female (World Rank: 112) 1,175,730
55 64 male (World Rank: 117) 196,856
55 64 female (World Rank: 107) 254,694
65 x male (World Rank: 128) 116,584
65 x female (World Rank: 118) 188,406
Infant mortality rate (World Rank: 68) 2.59%
Life expectancy total (World Rank: 153) 71years
Life expectancy female (World Rank: 143) 75years
Life expectancy male (World Rank: 156) 67years
Physicians per 1000 (World Rank: 79) 1.85
Hospital bed per 1000 (World Rank: 40) 4.80
Sanitation access total (World Rank: 80) 93.30%
Obesity adult (World Rank: 121) 16.60%
Drinking water access (World Rank: 138) 90.00%


Production (World Rank: 89) 12,800,000,000kWh
Consumption (World Rank: 90) 10,680,000,000kWh
Export (World Rank: 75) 184,000,000kWh
Import (World Rank: 72) 729,000,000kWh
Source fossil (World Rank: 195) 20.60%
Source nuclear (World Rank: 15) 79.40%
Crude oil
Production (World Rank: 90) 1,000bbl / day
Exports (World Rank: 83) 20bbl / day
Imports (World Rank: 84) 100bbl / day
Proved reserves (World Rank: 81) 40,000,000bbl
Refined products
Production (World Rank: 103) 1,776bbl / day
Consumption (World Rank: 116) 33,000bbl / day
Export (World Rank: 103) 2,698bbl / day
Import (World Rank: 97) 31,960bbl / day
Natural gas
Production (World Rank: 88) 30,000,000
Consumption (World Rank: 103) 773,000,000
Import (World Rank: 13) 0
Carbon footprint


Education (World Rank: 46) 6% of GDP
Military (World Rank: 28) 3% of GDP
Health (World Rank: 91) 7% of GDP
Surplus (World Rank: 145) -5% of GDP
National symbol
National colours
A Central Asian country of incredible natural beauty and proud nomadic traditions, most of the territory of present-day Kyrgyzstan was formally annexed to the Russian Empire in 1876. The Kyrgyz staged a major revolt against the Tsarist Empire in 1916 in which almost one-sixth of the Kyrgyz population was killed. Kyrgyzstan became a Soviet republic in 1936 and achieved independence in 1991 when the USSR dissolved. Nationwide demonstrations in the spring of 2005 resulted in the ouster of President Askar AKAEV, who had run the country since 1990. Former Prime Minister Kurmanbek BAKIEV overwhelmingly won the presidential election in the summer of 2005. Over the next few years, he manipulated the parliament to accrue new powers for the presidency. In July 2009, after months of harassment against his opponents and media critics, BAKIEV won reelection in a presidential campaign that the international community deemed flawed. In April 2010, violent protests in Bishkek led to the collapse of the BAKIEV regime and his eventual flight to Minsk, Belarus. His successor, Roza OTUNBAEVA, served as transitional president until Almazbek ATAMBAEV was inaugurated in December 2011, marking the first peaceful transfer of presidential power in independent Kyrgyzstan's history. Continuing concerns include: the trajectory of democratization, endemic corruption, poor interethnic relations, border security vulnerabilities, and potential terrorist threats. Under the 2010 Constitution, ATAMBAEV is limited to one term, which will end in 2017. Constitutional amendments passed in a referendum in December 2016 include language that transfers some presidential powers to the prime minister. Disagreement over the constitutional amendments compelled ATAMBAEV’s Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan to dissolve the ruling coalition and create a new majority coalition in the Jogorku Kenesh that excluded opposition parties critical of the amendments.
Flag description
red field with a yellow sun in the center having 40 rays representing the 40 Kyrgyz tribes; on the obverse side the rays run counterclockwise, on the reverse, clockwise; in the center of the sun is a red ring crossed by two sets of three lines, a stylized representation of a "tunduk" - the crown of a traditional Kyrgyz yurt; red symbolizes bravery and valor, the sun evinces peace and wealth


Purchasing power parity (World Rank: 143) 21,500,000,000USD
Real growth rate (World Rank: 71) 3.80%
Per capita purchasing power parity (World Rank: 182) 3,500USD
Source agriculture (World Rank: 63) 14.90%
Source industry (World Rank: 82) 29.20%
Source service (World Rank: 148) 55.90%
Total (World Rank: 106) 2,787,000
In poverty (World Rank: 52) 32.10%
  • - cement
  • - electric motors
  • - food processing
  • - furniture
  • - gold
  • - lumber
  • - rare earth metals
  • - refrigerators
  • - shoes
  • - small machinery
  • - textiles
  • - berries
  • - cattle
  • - cotton
  • - fruits
  • - goats
  • - grapes
  • - potatoes
  • - sheep
  • - vegetables
  • - wool
  • - cotton
  • - electricity
  • - garments
  • - gold
  • - machinery
  • - meat
  • - mercury
  • - shoes
  • - uranium
  • - wool
  • - chemicals
  • - equipment
  • - foodstuffs
  • - gas
  • - machinery
  • - oil


Landline total (World Rank: 102) 382,149
Landline per 100 (World Rank: 144) 7.00
Mobile per 100 (World Rank: 48) 133.00
Assessment 0
Users (World Rank: 113) 1,976,010
Population (World Rank: 148) 34.50%


Airports paved (World Rank: 82) 18.00
Airports unpaved (World Rank: 132) 10.00
Total length (World Rank: 116) 470
Total length (World Rank: 94) 34,000
Total length (World Rank: 81) 600