Monte di Nese
in Provincia di Bergamo of Lombardy, Italy

Noteable things around
Location Summary
Decimal Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude):
45.764 and 9.704 (Lat./Lng.)
Coordinates by Time:
N 45° 45' 51" and E 9° 42' 14"
Currency and Currency Code:
Euro - EUR
Spoken languages:
Italian, German, French, Sardinian, Catalan, Corsican, Slovenian
Local electricity:
230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: G)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
Local Time: 08:00 PM (Tuesday)
Timezone: Europe/Rome
UTC/GMT offset: 1 hours
Sunrise and Sunset:
7:44 am and 4:37 pm
Antipode Coordinates:
-44.033 and -176.367 (Lat./Lng.)
Closest place to antipode coordinates:
This place on
Current travel safety evaluation for Italy in Southern Europe

Safety Score: 3,0 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning we advice caution when travelling to Italy.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Italy. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03

Explore Monte di Nese

Monte di Nese in Provincia di Bergamo (Lombardy) with it's 372 inhabitants is located in Italy about 302 mi (or 486 km) north-west of Rome, the country's capital.

Local time in Monte di Nese is now 08:00 PM (Tuesday). The local timezone is named Europe / Rome with an UTC offset of one hour. We know of 10 airports in the wider vicinity of Monte di Nese, of which 4 are larger airports. The closest airport in Italy is Bergamo / Orio Al Serio Airport in a distance of 6 mi (or 10 km), South. Besides the airports, there are other travel options available (check left side).

There are several Unesco world heritage sites nearby. The closest heritage site in Italy is Crespi d'Adda in a distance of 14 mi (or 23 km), South-West. We found 8 points of interest in the vicinity of this place. If you need a place to sleep, we compiled a list of available hotels close to the map centre further down the page.

Depending on your travel schedule, you might want to pay a visit to some of the following locations: Alzano Lombardo, Ranica, Torre Boldone, Villa di Serio and Zogno. To further explore this place, just scroll down and browse the available info.

Local weather forecast

Todays Local Weather Conditions & Forecast: 10°C / 49 °F

Morning Temperature 5°C / 40 °F
Evening Temperature 6°C / 42 °F
Night Temperature 6°C / 43 °F
Chance of rainfall 0%
Air Humidity 59%
Air Pressure 1017 hPa
Wind Speed Light breeze with 3 km/h (2 mph) from North-West
Cloud Conditions Few clouds, covering 20% of sky
General Conditions Light rain

Wednesday, 4th of December 2024

9°C (48 °F)
4°C (40 °F)
Broken clouds, light breeze.

Thursday, 5th of December 2024

7°C (45 °F)
3°C (37 °F)
Sky is clear, light breeze, clear sky.

Friday, 6th of December 2024

6°C (43 °F)
3°C (37 °F)
Overcast clouds, light breeze.

Hotels and Places to Stay

Harmony Suite Hotel

2,6 mi
Corso Milano 23
24020 Selvino

Time Information

Checkout: - Checkin:
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Maresana Resort Restaurant & Hotel

3,0 mi
Via Maresana 75
24010 Ponteranica

Time Information

Checkout: - Checkin:
Weekday: 0:00 - 0:00
Weekend: closed

Tenuta Colle Piajo

2,6 mi
Via Piajo 1
24027 Nembro

Time Information

Checkout: 11:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Hotel Marcellino

2,5 mi
Corso Milano 90
24020 Selvino

Time Information

Checkout: 10:00 - Checkin: 11:00
Weekday: -
Weekend: closed

La Dolce Vita Ristorante & Resort Spa

2,6 mi
Via Monte Purito 3
24020 Selvino

Time Information

Checkout: - Checkin:
Weekday: 6:00 - 6:00
Weekend: 6:00 - 22:00

Antico Borgo

4,7 mi
Via Borgo Palazzo 27
24125 Bergamo

Time Information

Checkout: 20:00 - Checkin: 11:00
Weekday: 11:00 - 20:00
Weekend: closed

San Rocco

4,0 mi
Via Francesco Martinengo Colleoni, 18/28
24020 Scanzorosciate

Time Information

Checkout: 11:00 - Checkin: 12:30
Weekday: 7:00 - 22:00
Weekend: 7:00 - 22:00 (lunchbreak: 13:00 - 16:00)

Hotel Santa Caterina

4,3 mi
Via Alberico Da Rosciate 11-13
24124 Bergamo

Time Information

Checkout: 10:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: -
Weekend: closed

La Dolce Vita Hotel Motel

3,0 mi
Via Cavalli 38
24020 Villa di Serio

Time Information

Checkout: - Checkin:
Weekday: -
Weekend: closed


4,5 mi
Via de Medici 101
24016 San Pellegrino Terme

Time Information

Checkout: 14:00 - Checkin: 11:00
Weekday: 7:00 - 23:00
Weekend: closed

Videos from this area

These are videos related to the place based on their proximity to this place.


Published: May 28, 2013
Length: 15:27 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: Più Valli Tv Non ha ancora un'identità il corpo della donna recuperato nelle acque del fiume Serio a Nembro nella mattinata di lunedi....

Agenzia Viaggi Destinazione Sole

Published: March 05, 2012
Length: 59:40 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: Destinazione Sole

L'Agenzia Viaggi Destinazione Sole nasce il 17 aprile 2000 e subito diventa una delle principali agenzie della provincia di Bergamo grazie alla presenza di personale dalla decennale esperienza...

Volontari in azione ad Alzano Lombardo

Published: May 19, 2013
Length: 46:42 min
Rating: 3 of 5
Author: Più Valli Tv Tanti degli automobilisti in transito sulla provinciale della Valle Seriana, sono rimasti col piede schiacciato sul freno,...

Alzano Lombardo (BG) - fraz. Alzano Sopra - Lauda Sion alle campane della parrocchiale

Published: May 31, 2013
Length: 46:47 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: R5034

Concerto di 8 campane in Mib3 Cavadini 1939 (Sol3, Fa3 e Mib3 Cavadini 1950) Canto "Lauda Sion" [1927] di Federico Caudana (1878 - 1963) adattato per 8 campane.

Alzano Lombardo Notte bianca

Published: July 04, 2011
Length: 35:30 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: mignonnetwork Mignonnetwork presente alla notte bianca ad Alzano Lombardo il 2 e il 3 luglio 2011.


Published: May 21, 2013
Length: 36:05 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: Più Valli Tv Dopo il successo e le grandi emozioni che ha regalato al pubblico la prima Cordata di Solidarietà con Goretta Traverso, è...


Published: June 22, 2013
Length: 06:04 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: Più Valli Tv Fondato nel 1923 da un gruppo di reduci della prima guerra Mondiale, il gruppo alpini di Alzano Lombardo festeggia il suo...

dolce la sera.WMV

Published: November 17, 2011
Length: 10:18 min
Rating: 4 of 5
Author: corale san martino

San Martino: Immagine di Carità - Preghiera in Concerto Basilica San Martino Vescovo - Alzano Lombardo - Bergamo Sabato 12 Novembre 2011 Canto: "Dolce la sera" Dolce è la sera, se mi...

la canzone di san damiano.WMV

Published: November 17, 2011
Length: 34:23 min
Rating: 4 of 5
Author: corale san martino

San Martino: Immagine di Carità - Preghiera in Concerto Basilica San Martino Vescovo - Alzano Lombardo - Bergamo Sabato 12 Novembre 2011 Canto: "La canzone di San Damiano" Ogni uomo...

elezioni comunali 2014 come si vota

Published: May 23, 2014
Length: 29:28 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: X ALZANO

amministrative 2014 Alzano Lombardo come si vota.

Videos provided by Youtube are under the copyright of their owners.

Attractions and noteworthy things

Distances are based on the centre of the city/town and sightseeing location. This list contains brief abstracts about monuments, holiday activities, national parcs, museums, organisations and more from the area as well as interesting facts about the region itself. Where available, you'll find the corresponding homepage. Otherwise the related wikipedia article.

Maresana Hill

Maresana is a hill north of the city of Bergamo, in Lombardy, Italy. Its maximum elevation is 546 metres above sea level. Maresana belongs to the cities and villages of Bergamo, Ponteranica, Torre Boldone, and Ranica. Its modern name was mentioned for the first time in the thirteenth century; it had previously been called Monte Torsillio. In the past, the hill was planted with chestnut trees whose nuts local farmers sold in the Bergamo market.

Located at 45.7286, 9.66806 (Lat. / Lng.), about 3 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
Hills of Italy, Geography of Lombardy, Province of Bergamo

capture of the webcam Zogno

Zogno, Zogno (source)

Webcams provided by are under the copyright of their owners.

This place is known by different names. Here the ones we know:
Monte di Nese