Masseria Carbone
in Provincia di Caserta of Campania, Italy

Noteable things around
Location Summary
Decimal Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude):
41.006 and 14.399 (Lat./Lng.)
Coordinates by Time:
N 41° 0' 21" and E 14° 23' 55"
Currency and Currency Code:
Euro - EUR
Spoken languages:
Italian, German, French, Sardinian, Catalan, Corsican, Slovenian
Local electricity:
230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: G)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
Local Time: 08:02 PM (Tuesday)
Timezone: Europe/Rome
UTC/GMT offset: 1 hours
Sunrise and Sunset:
7:10 am and 4:34 pm
Antipode Coordinates:
-43.733 and -176.350 (Lat./Lng.)
Closest place to antipode coordinates:
This place on
Current travel safety evaluation for Italy in Southern Europe

Safety Score: 3,0 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning we advice caution when travelling to Italy.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Italy. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03

Explore Masseria Carbone

Masseria Carbone in Provincia di Caserta (Campania) with it's 24 inhabitants is located in Italy about 115 mi (or 186 km) south-east of Rome, the country's capital.

Local time in Masseria Carbone is now 08:02 PM (Tuesday). The local timezone is named Europe / Rome with an UTC offset of one hour. We know of 10 airports in the wider vicinity of Masseria Carbone, of which 4 are larger airports. The closest airport in Italy is Nápoli / Capodichino International Airport in a distance of 10 mi (or 16 km), South-West. Besides the airports, there are other travel options available (check left side).

There are several Unesco world heritage sites nearby. The closest heritage site in Italy is 18th-Century Royal Palace at Caserta with the Park, the Aqueduct of Vanvitelli, and the San Leucio Complex in a distance of 6 mi (or 10 km), North-West. We found 10 points of interest in the vicinity of this place. If you need a place to sleep, we compiled a list of available hotels close to the map centre further down the page.

Depending on your travel schedule, you might want to pay a visit to some of the following locations: Maddaloni, Cervino, San Marco Evangelista, Acerra and Santa Maria A Vico. To further explore this place, just scroll down and browse the available info.

Local weather forecast

Todays Local Weather Conditions & Forecast: 14°C / 57 °F

Morning Temperature 10°C / 51 °F
Evening Temperature 14°C / 57 °F
Night Temperature 13°C / 55 °F
Chance of rainfall 0%
Air Humidity 63%
Air Pressure 1017 hPa
Wind Speed Calm with 2 km/h (1 mph) from North-East
Cloud Conditions Broken clouds, covering 61% of sky
General Conditions Light rain

Wednesday, 4th of December 2024

15°C (59 °F)
12°C (54 °F)
Moderate rain, light breeze, overcast clouds.

Thursday, 5th of December 2024

12°C (54 °F)
10°C (51 °F)
Overcast clouds, gentle breeze.

Friday, 6th of December 2024

12°C (54 °F)
11°C (52 °F)
Scattered clouds, light breeze.

Hotels and Places to Stay

Golden Tulip Plaza Caserta

4,5 mi
Via Vincenzo Lamberti
81100 Caserta

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Vanvitelli Grand Hotel

4,4 mi
Viale Carlo III di Borbone
81100 Caserta

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Quintessentia Gold Hotel

4,2 mi
Via Giovanni Agnelli 4
81025 Marcianise

Time Information

Checkout: 00:00 - Checkin: 10:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Novotel Caserta Sud

4,6 mi
Ss 87 Sannitica Km 22 600

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Hotel Bruman Caserta

5,4 mi
Via Roma 156
81100 Caserta

Time Information

Checkout: 11:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: -
Weekend: closed

Casal dell'Angelo

5,7 mi
Via Variante 7 bis km 40.400
80034 Marigliano

Time Information

Checkout: 11:00 - Checkin: 12:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 23:59
Weekend: closed

Villa Maria Cristina

5,5 mi
Via Giulio Antonio Acquaviva 24
81100 Caserta

Time Information

Checkout: 11:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Style Caserta

5,5 mi
Via Fulvio Renella N. 9
81100 Caserta

Time Information

Checkout: 11:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00


5,6 mi
Via Roma 19
81100 Caserta

Time Information

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Royal Caserta

5,8 mi
Viale Vittorio Veneto 13
81100 Caserta

Time Information

Checkout: 16:00 - Checkin: 14:00
Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Videos from this area

These are videos related to the place based on their proximity to this place.

Maddaloni Processione Venerdi Santo 3 Aprile 2015

Published: April 04, 2015
Length: 31:37 min
Rating: 4 of 5
Author: Enzo del Giudice

La figura di Gesù morto ci ricorda quanti ancora oggi vivono un calvario. La Via Crucis di Gesù, se è stata segnata da cadute e difficoltà, ha visto anche l'incontro con presenze belle,...

Maddaloni dopoguerra 1948

Published: March 11, 2014
Length: 29:07 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: salesianicooperatori IME

Maddalonesi Arrivati dall' America nel 1948 in visita ai parenti di Maddaloni girano con una cinepresa Normal 8 questo filmato in B/N . I filmato è molto rovinato e proveremo a fare un...

Carlo Cosenza - Maddaloni 2015

Published: March 09, 2015
Length: 19:26 min
Rating: 5 of 5

kick light Carlo Cosenza - Maddaloni 2015.

Carlo Siano - Maddaloni 2015

Published: March 09, 2015
Length: 45:30 min
Rating: 5 of 5

Carlo Siano - Finale kick light - Maddaloni 2015.

#LaBuonaScuola - ISIS Don Gnocchi (Maddaloni CE)

Published: November 05, 2014
Length: 21:50 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: Enrica Capobianco

Noi dell'ISIS Don Gnocchi ci siamo ispirati a Le Iene per illustrare i punti della buona scuola del governo Renzi.

Carlo Siano- Maddaloni 2015

Published: March 09, 2015
Length: 05:40 min
Rating: 0 of 5

Carlo Siano - Semifinale Maddaloni 2015.

Esposito sindaco di Maddaloni [Campagna pubblicitaria a cura di]

Published: May 02, 2013
Length: 09:55 min
Rating: 2 of 5
Author: Ferdinando Visone

Sponsor pubblicitario per Esposito sindaco di maddaloni.

Open Dance Gathering - Maddaloni 9 Novembre 2014

Published: November 10, 2014
Length: 37:31 min
Rating: 0 of 5
Author: tonyzan

Centro Studi Danza Alma Latina Caserta Categoria Under 13 Open Dance Gathering 9 Novembre 2014 Palazzetto dello Sport di Maddaloni (CE) Organizzazione: Italian Dance Masters.

Museo Civico di Maddaloni (CE) Arte e sacro: Imago Christi

Published: May 05, 2013
Length: 58:48 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: Leandra D'andrea

Ledy Napule presenta: Arte e sacro: Imago Christi.Museo Civico di Maddaloni (CE) dal 23 al 30 Maggio 2013 Perchè l'uomo della croce nonostante siano passati circa 2000 anni resta pietra...

Harlem Shake - Maddaloni Villa Della Pace

Published: March 29, 2013
Length: 48:30 min
Rating: 5 of 5
Author: Michele Rubino

Partecipazione di: Antonio Mnnàà Bernardo, Angelo Mokèè Pellegrino, Peppe Decurione, Michele Macaluso, Salvatore Madonna, Andrea Lauro, Michele Rubino, Giuseppe Macaluso. Presso villetta...

Videos provided by Youtube are under the copyright of their owners.

Attractions and noteworthy things

Distances are based on the centre of the city/town and sightseeing location. This list contains brief abstracts about monuments, holiday activities, national parcs, museums, organisations and more from the area as well as interesting facts about the region itself. Where available, you'll find the corresponding homepage. Otherwise the related wikipedia article.

Battle of Suessula

The Battle of Suessula was according to the Roman historian Livy (59 BC – AD 17) the third and last battle between the Samnites and the Roman Republic in 343 BC. the first year of the First Samnite War. According to Livy's description of the battle in Book Seven of his history of Rome, Ab Urbe Condita, the Samnites gathered their army at Suessula, at the eastern edge of Campania. The Roman consul, Marcus Valerius Corvus, took his army by forced marches to Suessula.

Located at 40.9833, 14.4 (Lat. / Lng.), about 2 miles away.
Wikipedia Article
4th-century BC conflicts

capture of the webcam Cancello: A30 Nola

Cancello: A30 Nola, Cancello (source)

Webcams provided by are under the copyright of their owners.

This place is known by different names. Here the ones we know:
Masseria Carbone