Isle of Man
in Northern Europe

National active POI
Location Summary
Currency and Currency Code:
Pound - GPD
Spoken languages:
English, Manx
Local electricity:
230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: C, G)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
ISO 2-Letter code:
Internet top level domain:
Country phone prefix:
Local Time (capital):
UTC/GMT offset: hours

Explore Isle of Man

Isle of Man with its capital Douglas is located in Europe (Western Europe, island in the Irish Sea). It covers some 573 square kilometers (slightly more than three times the size of Washington, DC) with 88,815 citizens. English and Manx are the common languages used in Isle of Man. Thiscountry has no land-based border with any other country.

The Isle of Man is an island in the British Isles, located in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. There are many hiking/walking trails and footpaths on the Isle of Man, the most significant being the Raad ny Foillan (The Way of the Gull) which is a 95-mile footpath around the Island. Other trails cross the Island in various locations. The Raad ny Foillan follows the coast for much of its route and is really quite a spectacular hike, well worth the time and effort while visiting the Island.

Popular Destinations in Isle of Man

Administrative regions of Isle of Man

About the country

The topography is hills in north and south bisected by central valley. The average density of population is about 155 per km². The climate in Isle of Man can be described as temperatecool summers and mild winters, overcast about a third of the time. Potential natural disasters are occasional high winds and rough seas.

To reach someone Isle of Man dial +44-1624 prior to a number. The local cellular networks are operated on 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G. Websites typically end with the top level domain ".im". If you want to bring electric appliances (e.g. battery chaarger), keep in min the local 230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: C, G). The sign for the locally used currency Pound is GPD.

Red with the Three Legs of Man emblem (triskelion), in the center; the three legs are joined at the thigh and bent at the knee; in order to have the toes pointing clockwise on both sides of the flag, a two-sided emblem is used; the flag is based on the coat-of-arms of the last recognized Norse King of Mann, Magnus III (r. 1252-65); the triskelion has its roots in an early Celtic sun symbol.

Flag of Isle of Man

Part of the Norwegian Kingdom of the Hebrides until the 13th century when it was ceded to Scotland, the isle came under the British Crown in 1765. Current concerns include reviving the almost extinct Manx Gaelic language. Isle of Man is a British Crown dependency but is not part of the UK or of the EU. However, the UK Government remains constitutionally responsible for its defense and international representation.


Total (World Rank: 194) 572sq km
Land (World Rank: 191) 572sq km
Forest (World Rank: 52) 30.90%
Comparative slightly more than three times the size of Washington, DC
Highest point (World Rank: 189) 621m
Agricultural land
Total (World Rank: 14) 74.70%
Arable (World Rank: 12) 43.80%
Permanent pastures (World Rank: 52) 30.90%
Map reference
  • - transboundary air pollution
  • - waste disposal (both household and industrial)
Hazzards occasional high winds and rough seas
Western Europe, island in the Irish Sea, between Great Britain and Ireland
temperate; cool summers and mild winters; overcast about a third of the time
hills in north and south bisected by central valley


Total (World Rank: 197) 88,815
Deathrate (World Rank: 36) 1.02%
Birthrate (World Rank: 177) 1.10%
Growthrate (World Rank: 145) 0.68%
Migration rate (World Rank: 15) 0.60%
Fertility rate (World Rank: 129) 1.92%
Median age
Male (World Rank: 11) 43.30
Female (World Rank: 16) 44.90
Age structure
0 14 male (World Rank: 200) 7,547
0 14 female (World Rank: 200) 6,916
15 24 male (World Rank: 199) 5,355
15 24 female (World Rank: 200) 4,800
25 54 male (World Rank: 198) 17,215
25 54 female (World Rank: 198) 17,234
55 64 male (World Rank: 191) 5,891
55 64 female (World Rank: 190) 5,772
65 x male (World Rank: 182) 8,469
65 x female (World Rank: 181) 9,616
Infant mortality rate (World Rank: 189) 0.40%
Life expectancy total (World Rank: 27) 81years
Life expectancy female (World Rank: 37) 83years
Life expectancy male (World Rank: 17) 80years


Purchasing power parity (World Rank: 166) 7,428,000,000USD
Real growth rate (World Rank: 126) 2.20%
Per capita purchasing power parity (World Rank: 9) 84,600USD
Source agriculture (World Rank: 196) 1.00%
Source industry (World Rank: 190) 13.00%
Source service (World Rank: 17) 86.00%
Total (World Rank: 192) 41,790
  • - financial services
  • - light manufacturing
  • - tourism
  • - cattle
  • - cereals
  • - pigs
  • - poultry
  • - sheep
  • - vegetables
  • - beef
  • - herring
  • - lamb
  • - processed shellfish
  • - tweeds
  • - fertilizers
  • - fish
  • - timber


Surplus (World Rank: 37) 0% of GDP
National symbol
National colours
Manxman(men), Manxwoman(women)
Part of the Norwegian Kingdom of the Hebrides until the 13th century when it was ceded to Scotland, the isle came under the British Crown in 1765. Current concerns include reviving the almost extinct Manx Gaelic language. Isle of Man is a British Crown dependency but is not part of the UK or of the EU. However, the UK Government remains constitutionally responsible for its defense and international representation.
Flag description
red with the Three Legs of Man emblem (triskelion), in the center; the three legs are joined at the thigh and bent at the knee; in order to have the toes pointing clockwise on both sides of the flag, a two-sided emblem is used; the flag is based on the coat-of-arms of the last recognized Norse King of Mann, Magnus III (r. 1252-65); the triskelion has its roots in an early Celtic sun symbol


Airports paved (World Rank: 218) 1.00
Total length (World Rank: 130) 63.00
Total length (World Rank: 196) 500