Facts and Data

Official Unesco Page

Basis Data:
Unesco World heritage since: 2005
Size of heritage: 790 ha
- Buffer zone: 350 ha

Longitude: 48,797°
Latitude: 36,435°


The mausoleum of Oljaytu was constructed in 1302–12 in the city of Soltaniyeh, the capital of the Ilkhanid dynasty, which was founded by the Mongols. Situated in the province of Zanjan, Soltaniyeh is one of the outstanding examples of the achievements of Persian architecture and a key monument in the development of its Islamic architecture. The octagonal building is crowned with a 50 m tall dome covered in turquoise-blue faience and surrounded by eight slender minarets. It is the earliest existing example of the double-shelled dome in Iran. The mausoleum’s interior decoration is also outstanding and scholars such as A.U. Pope have described the building as ‘anticipating the Taj Mahal’.

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Soltaniyeh is a UNESCO World Heritage site located in the Zanjan province of Iran. This magnificent complex, also known as Soltaniyeh Dome, is renowned for its historical significance and architectural grandeur. Built in the 14th century, it served as the capital of the Ilkhanid dynasty and remains an iconic symbol of Persian architecture.


The construction of Soltaniyeh began in 1302 under the orders of the Ilkhanid ruler, Oljaytu. The complex was intended to be a mausoleum for Oljaytu himself, but due to his untimely death, it became his final resting place. The construction continued under his son, Abu Sa'id, and was completed in 1312.

The architectural design of Soltaniyeh was influenced by both Persian and Islamic styles. The dome, which stands at an impressive height of 49 meters, is the largest brick dome in the world and a masterpiece of engineering for its time. The intricate tilework, calligraphy, and geometric patterns adorning the exterior and interior of the dome showcase the artistic brilliance of the Ilkhanid era.

Current State

Despite the passage of centuries, Soltaniyeh has managed to retain its grandeur and remains a significant cultural and historical site in Iran. The complex consists of several structures, including the mausoleum, a mosque, a madrasa, and a caravanserai.

The dome itself is the most prominent feature of Soltaniyeh. Its turquoise-colored tiles, which were once vibrant, have faded over time, but efforts are being made to restore and preserve this architectural gem. The intricate calligraphy and geometric patterns that adorn the dome's surface are still visible, albeit weathered by the elements.

The interior of the dome is equally impressive. The dome's chamber features stunning frescoes depicting scenes from Persian mythology, Islamic motifs, and intricate floral designs. These paintings, although partially damaged, provide a glimpse into the artistic prowess of the Ilkhanid period.

The surrounding structures, such as the mosque and madrasa, have also suffered from the passage of time. However, their architectural beauty and historical significance are still evident. The mosque, with its elegant minarets and intricate tilework, stands as a testament to the religious and cultural importance of the site.

Importance and Tourism

Soltaniyeh's inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2005 has further highlighted its significance as a cultural treasure. The site attracts both domestic and international tourists who are captivated by its historical and architectural splendor.

Efforts are being made to promote and preserve Soltaniyeh, including ongoing restoration projects and the establishment of visitor facilities. The site offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore the rich history and architectural brilliance of the Ilkhanid dynasty, making it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and architecture aficionados alike.


Soltaniyeh, with its awe-inspiring dome and rich historical heritage, stands as a testament to the grandeur of Persian architecture. Its inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage list ensures its preservation for future generations to appreciate and admire. As efforts continue to restore and maintain this cultural treasure, Soltaniyeh remains a captivating destination that showcases the artistic brilliance of the Ilkhanid era.