Special Region of Aceh

Location Summary
Currency and Currency Code:
Rupiah - IDR
Spoken languages:
Indonesian, English, Dutch, Javanese
Local electricity:
230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: C, F)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
Country phone prefix:
Local Time (capital):
UTC/GMT offset: hours
Current travel safety evaluation for Indonesia in South-Eastern Asia

Safety Score: 3,4 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning please reconsider your need to travel to Indonesia.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Indonesia. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03

Top places

Directory of regions and places in Special Region of Aceh

Special Region of Aceh is an administrative entity of higher level in Indonesia (e.g. a state, region or larger metropolitan area). To look up a specific place, pick the beginning letter of its name below. Locations are ordered alphabetically.

List of smaller regions in Special Region of Aceh

List of places in Special Region of Aceh

Name of place
Paya Abe
Paya Abu
Paya Awe
Paya Bagong
Paya Bakong
Paya Baro
Paya Baro
Paya Baroh
Paya Baru
Paya Baru
Paya Baru
Paya Bedi
Paya Beureubam
Paya Bilie Dua
Paya Bilie Satu
Paya Brandong
Paya Bujuk
Paya Bujuk Bramo
Paya Bujuk Seumak
Paya Bujuk Tunong
Paya Cut
Paya Dapur
Paya Dua
Paya Dua
Paya Dua Ujung
Paya Dua Uran
Paya Duren
Paya Enjeu
Paya Gaboh
Paya Gajah
Paya Hagu
Paya Hang Dalam
Paya Jale
Paya Kalui
Paya Karing
Paya Krup
Paya Kude
Paya Kulbi
Paya Laat
Paya Laman
Paya Lipah
Paya Luah
Paya Mauligoe
Paya Meuligo
Paya Nanggadang
Paya Palaih
Paya Palas
Paya Pasi
Paya Pingan
Paya Pisangklat
Paya Punteut
Paya Putih
Paya Rabo
Paya Rahat
Paya Raya
Paya Rehat
Paya Santet
Paya Sapi
Paya Semisi
Paya Seugat
Paya Seumanto
Paya Seunara
Paya Seupat
Paya Seupeh
Paya Seutuy
Paya Teuk
Paya Teungoh
Paya Trieng
Paya Tukay
Paya Tunong