Uttar Pradesh

Location Summary
Currency and Currency Code:
Rupee - INR
Spoken languages:
English, Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Panjabi, Assamese, Bihari , Kashmiri, Nepali, Sindhi, Sanskrit, French
Local electricity:
230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: C, D, M)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
Country phone prefix:
Local Time (capital):
UTC/GMT offset: hours
Current travel safety evaluation for India in Southern Asia

Safety Score: 3,4 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning please reconsider your need to travel to India.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning India. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03

Top places

Directory of places in Pratāpgarh

Pratāpgarh is an administrative entity of lower level in Uttar Pradesh India (e.g. a state, region or larger metropolitan area). To look up a specific place, pick the beginning letter of its name below. Locations are ordered alphabetically.

List of places in Pratāpgarh

Name of place
Pura Lachhman
Pura Lachhman Singh
Pura Lāl Pānde
Pura Lāla
Pura Lāla
Pura Lāla
Pura Lālman
Pura Lambardār
Pura Lānnanchirai
Pura Lautan Dās
Pura Līla
Pura Lochan Misr
Pura Lohāran
Pura Loka
Pura Lokai
Pura Lokai
Pura Lunia
Pura Lunia
Pura Lunia
Pura Luniān
Pura Madāri Ahīr
Pura Mādho
Pura Mādho
Pura Mādho
Pura Mādho Bandwār
Pura Mādho Bhāt
Pura Mādho Dube
Pura Mādho Ojha
Pura Mādhoganj
Pura Mādhosingh
Pura Maha Brāhman
Pura Mahant
Pura Mahant
Pura Makan Itāwari
Pura Makhdūm
Pura Mālādin
Pura Manauti
Pura Mangal Tiwāri
Pura Mankanth
Pura Mano Singh
Pura Marai Choba
Pura Marai Rām
Pura Mardan
Pura Mātādin
Pura Mera
Pura Mīr
Pura Mir Singh
Pura Mirai
Pura Misr
Pura Misr
Pura Misr
Pura Misrāin
Pura Mistri
Pura Mohan
Pura Moti Kurmi
Pura Moti Singh
Pura Mudhwān
Pura Mukand
Pura Murai
Pura Murai
Pura Muraiyān
Pura Nagia
Pura Nakchhed Bais
Pura Naku Ahīr
Pura Nanda Bais
Pura Nanda Guria
Pura Nanda Singh
Pura Nandu Tiwāri
Pura Nānu Ahir
Pura Narāyan Dās
Pura Narāyan Misr
Pura Nawal Singh
Pura Nawāzi
Pura Nemthar
Pura Neoli