Uttar Pradesh

Location Summary
Currency and Currency Code:
Rupee - INR
Spoken languages:
English, Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Panjabi, Assamese, Bihari , Kashmiri, Nepali, Sindhi, Sanskrit, French
Local electricity:
230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: C, D, M)
Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz):
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G
Country phone prefix:
Local Time (capital):
UTC/GMT offset: hours
Current travel safety evaluation for India in Southern Asia

Safety Score: 3,4 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning please reconsider your need to travel to India.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning India. Last Update: 2024-08-13 08:21:03

Top places

Directory of places in Gonda

Gonda is an administrative entity of lower level in Uttar Pradesh India (e.g. a state, region or larger metropolitan area). To look up a specific place, pick the beginning letter of its name below. Locations are ordered alphabetically.

List of places in Gonda

Name of place
Pura Kharia
Pura Kharthari
Pura Kharudhar Singh
Pura Khatauli Bāgh
Pura Khatīk
Pura Khatīk
Pura Khatik
Pura Khatīk
Pura Khatīk
Pura Khatik
Pura Khatik
Pura Khatkan
Pura Khedu
Pura Khedu Ahir
Pura Khem
Pura Khem
Pura Khem Karan
Pura Khema
Pura Kholi Jot
Pura Khundāha
Pura Khushāl
Pura Khushhāl
Pura Kirthi Pātak
Pura Kisāb
Pura Kishan
Pura Kishan
Pura Kishan Dat Singh
Pura Kishun Parshād
Pura Kisri
Pura Kohāran
Pura Kolhi Lodh
Pura Kolhui
Pura Kombar
Pura Konarwa
Pura Kondri
Pura Kondri
Pura Kondri
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Kori
Pura Korian
Pura Korian
Pura Korian
Pura Korian
Pura Korian
Pura Korian
Pura Korin
Pura Kosāhi
Pura Kosāli
Pura Kot
Pura Kothan
Pura Kothār
Pura Kotia
Pura Kotori
Pura Kukurbhukwa
Pura Kulfat Misr
Pura Kumār
Pura Kumār Bhāt
Pura Kumhār
Pura Kumhār
Pura Kumhār