Address & Contact

Contact Information:

Street address:
Eureka Airport

GPS Coordinates:
Longitude: -85,814°
Latitude: 79,995°


Eureka Airport is a small airport in Canada, serving the region of Eureka. The longest runway is 4.836 feet or 1.474 meters long.

Airport size: small airport
Serving area: Eureka
Longest runway: 4836 (ft)


Flight information:
Departure times (FlightStats)
Flight times (FlightRadar24)

Location on map

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About the airport

Eureka Airport (IATA: YEU, ICAO: CYEU) is a small airport located in Eureka, Nunavut, Canada. Situated in the Arctic region, it serves as a vital transportation hub for scientific research expeditions, military operations, and local communities. The airport is primarily used for charter flights and has limited facilities.

As a traveler, it's important to note that Eureka Airport does not offer scheduled commercial flights. However, if you are planning an expedition to the Arctic or visiting the nearby research stations, this airport can be a crucial entry point. It provides essential services such as fueling, customs, and immigration clearance.

Due to its remote location, weather conditions can be challenging, and flights may be subject to delays or cancellations. It is advisable to check with your charter operator or research organization for the most up-to-date information.

Eureka Airport offers stunning views of the Arctic landscape, with its pristine wilderness and unique wildlife. Remember to pack warm clothing and necessary supplies, as amenities at the airport are limited.